What3Words Location Distance from LMV Known for
Gratien & Meyer outnumbered.eternal.saddle 34km Fizz
Ackerman weds.ants.elevator 31km Fizz
Langlois Chateau happily.helpless.founders 31km Everything
Bouvet Ladubay month.jokers.nails 31km Fizz
Louis Grenelles lawful.tent.quack 32km Fizz
Veuve Amiot crest.vibrate.bracelet 30km Fizz
Domaine Olivier sloppily.outspoken.energies 22km Red
Frederic Mabileau fantastical.applaud.freefall 19km Everything

If you haven't heard of What3Words, it is the new locator system for finding anything anywhere.  It is a selection of three words specific to a 3 metre square whether that be in a busy town centre, an airport carpark, or the middle of a woodland.

Ours at LMV are inserting these three words into the app will locate the end of the drive at Le Moulin Verneau.  Its that easy.  Many of the large car manufacturers are now adding the App to their in-car navigation systems and emergency services are also making use of the software for locations which would otherwise be hard to find.  It is free to download, and we recommend it for finding places listed on our website.

Download What3Words App
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